In the media

Recent news, papers and blogs

Video (Dutch) on impact investing

Video (downgraded) van Pensioenfederatie seminar over impact beleggen 4 april 2023


Alternative site for video at YouTube or Dutch Pension Fund Association.


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SPIL paper (Dutch) "Investing for a better world"

Pensioenfondsen zijn bij uitstek langetermijnbeleggers. Ze zijn geïnteresseerd in zowel de impact van duurzaamheid op de financiële prestatie van de beleggingsportefeuille alsook de impact die de beleggingen hebben op de leefbaarheid van de wereld van hun deelnemers, nu en op het moment dat zij hun pensioen ontvangen. Dit nieuwe SPIL paper gaat in op de ambitie en verantwoordelijkheid om de negatieve uitkomsten en de positieve uitkomsten van de beleggingen op duurzaamheid respectievelijk te minimaliseren en te maximaliseren.

1 juli 2021

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Roundtable on climate change

Verslag van een rondetafel gesprek in Financial Investigator, December 2019, met voorzitter Marcel Jeucken.

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Video (Dutch) on next phase of responsible investment

Video of interview by Jeroen van der Put with Marcel Jeucken at Financial Investigator event on October 26th, 2020.


Alternative site for video at YouTube.

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Report: Investing with SDG outcomes

PRI report, June 2020, "Investing with SDG Outcomes"

Authors: Marcel Jeucken, Shelagh Whitley, Nathan Fabian


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Roundtable on climate change and energy transition

Verslag van een rondetafel gesprek in Financial Investigator, December 2019, met voorzitter Marcel Jeucken.

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Roundtable ESG and longterm investing

Verslag van een rondetafel gesprek in Financial Investigator, juli 2018, over ESG en langetermijn beleggen

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Archived articles, papers and interviews

The following gives an overview of select archived interviews, videos, articles and papers.



- Video interview by Adam Kirkman (AMP), with co-guests Philippe Desfossés (CEO ERAPF), Christopher Ailman (CIO CalSTRs), Singapore 2016


- Interview in Deloitte CFO survey, 2010 Q3


- Interview on impact investing in Clearpath, 2017


- Interview on impact investing and measurement in i3, 2016


- Article on positive impact investing in OMFIF Global Public Investor 2016


- Blog on PGGM website on responsible remuneration practices, 2015 (in Dutch)


- Cover interview on the role of capital in Financial Investigator, 2014 (in Dutch)


- Blog Launch of Principles for Responsible Institutional Investment in Farmland, PGGM website 2013


- Chapter on sustainable pensions in book on sustainable finance, 2012 (in Dutch)


- Paper on measuring the impact of impact investing in Bestuur en Management, 2012 (in Dutch)


- Interview in Top 1000 Funds on publication of 2010 annual RI report, 2011


- Article in IPE Netherlands on PGGM and responsible investment, 2007


- Report by Dutch VBA-CFA on responsible investment, 2004 (in Dutch)


- PhD review in de Staatscourant, 2004 (in Dutch)


- Article on responsible investment by charities in het Financieele Dagblad, 2004 (in Dutch)


- Article on sustainable banking in Financial World, 2002


- Scientific paper on sustainable banking in Financiële en Monetaire Studies, 2002 (in Dutch)


- Scientific paper on sustainable banking in Maandschrift Economie, 2001 (in Dutch)


- Article on climate change and finance in Economische Statistische Berichten, 2000 (in Dutch)


- Paper on sustainable banking in Greener Management International, 1999


- Scientific paper on the link between environment issues and international trade in Maandschrift Economie, 1998 (in Dutch)


- Article on sustainable banking in het Financieele Dagblad, 1998 (in Dutch)


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Reviews on books by Marcel Jeucken

book sif HE

Sustainability in Finance - Banking on the Planet

… ‘Uit het promotieonderzoek van Marcel Jeucken onder 34 van de grootste banken in de

wereld, blijkt dat zij nog een grote slag moeten maken om zichzelf duurzaam te kunnen

noemen.’ ….

het Financieele Dagblad (quote from review in Dutch)

  • Review in Het Financieele Dagblad (in Dutch) Download
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Sustainable Finance and Banking - The Financial Sector and the Future of the Planet

"Marcel Jeucken has been heralded as the first to provide a comprehensive and accessible book on the subject of sustainable finance and banking. One does not have to look far to find glowing commentaries that welcome the book as a much needed introduction to the subject...accessible yet intellectually challenging read this book is a must for anyone working in this area of environmental banking whether a practitioner or academic. My recommendation would be look out for his doctoral thesis if this book is anything to go by the thesis should provide a very interesting read."

Andrea Coulson in Social & Environmental Accounting

'Financial institutions are starting to realize there is a business case for sustainable development. They are using eco-efficiency criteria to screen their investments and go beyond what Jeucken calls "defensive banking", which views the environment as a cost only. He offers state-of-the-art thinking on these complex issues and exemplifies the many opportunities and benefits to be drawn from sustainable investment strategies.'

Björn Stigson, President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

'The issues raised in this book should be in the forefront of our minds. The natural self-interest so characteristic of the financial sector will be enlightened by this book, thereby improving the chances of continuity for each and every firm.'

Pieter Stek, Executive Director, World Bank

'A most welcome contribution to the complex debate concerning the role of powerful financial institutions as they consider how best to act on the challenges and opportunities raised by the environmental, social and economic components of sustainability. It will undoubtedly assist UNEP Finance Initiatives to support companies in their efforts to operationalize sustainability while increasing shareholder and stakeholder value. This book will certainly prove to be one of the key contributions to the finance-sustainability interface'

Jacqueline Aloisi de Larderel, Director DTIE, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

'An interesting view of sustainable banking from inside the sector. It combines countless examples, blueprints and analyses to provide a detailed overview of the trend towards sustainable banking... The author is the first to tackle this subject in such broad and accessible terms, making his book of interest not only to experts in the financial sector or government but also to people with no specialist banking or financial expertise. I have no doubt that this book will inspire many people to take up the challenge of sustainable banking'

Jan Pronk, Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Netherlands

'This book is impressive in both its scope and depth and is, to my knowledge, the first major publication which deals integrally with all aspects of sustainability and banking. My compliments go to the author for making the book's structure and content accessible and of interest to readers from the financial community, the environmental movement, business, government and society in general. I sincerely think this book can improve the dialogue within the financial sector and with their stakeholders, and propel many towards a sustainable future'

Hans Smits, CEO, Rabobank Group, The Netherlands

SB book cover

Sustainable Banking - The Greening of Finance

... an informative and authoritative book which provides insight into the practices of a range
(both in terms of size and geography) of banking organisations ... The contributing authors (as
well as editors) are well known and highly regarded, so the excellent overall standard is no
surprise and it is a book that one can dip into, without the need to read from cover to cover.


Published in: Corporate Environmental Strategy